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Technology Gives STS AeroStaff Services the Hiring Advantage

Like it or not, the aviation recruitment landscape has changed. What was once an industry dominated by database searches, outbound calls and traditional marketing techniques has evolved into a fast-paced world where time is money and speed is paramount.

Hello, everyone. My name is Rachel Hood, and if you’re an avid reader of STS Aviation Group’s online content, you know that I have the distinct pleasure of leading an incredible team of people who’s main focus is to seek out and find Aerospace Engineers and Aviation Technical Specialists on behalf of STS’ clients. I have been with the company for more than 12 years now, and during that time, the recruitment game has evolved; quite drastically, I might add.

Traditional recruiting methods have been replaced by modern practices. People no longer turn to wanted ads in their local papers in an effort to find work. Instead, they go online, visit social media sites, upload resumes to internet databases and network with hiring managers via websites like LinkedIn. Video chat is quickly becoming the standard for interviews, text messaging is a crucial part of the recruitment process and email marketing is a go-to tool in every hiring manager’s arsenal.

Long story short, the recruiting landscape I operated in 12 years ago has transformed into something modern and sleek. It is more efficient, less cumbersome and magnified in the sense that we now have the ability to tailor messages and deliver them to the masses rather than regurgitate that same message over and over again to one person at a time.

Recruiting Aerospace Engineers and Aviation Technical Specialist isn’t always easy. If you were to take the entire United States workforce and call that 100 percent, Aerospace Engineers would make up approximately 0.005 percent of that very same workforce. That means finding the candidates our clients depend on is difficult, but when we couple knowledge with technology, STS’ recruitment team is able to hone its efforts and deliver relevant content directly to aerospace job seekers on an as-needed basis. This, perhaps more than anything else, gives us the ability to consistently find, screen and hire the best Aircraft Engineers in the business.

Thank you all so much for taking the time, and if you have questions, feel free to email me. My address is [email protected].